
The IT/OT Insider has an audience which grows every day. We focus on creating valuable content, try out different formats and be as professional as possible. You can be part of this journey. For us, a partnership with your company helps us to invest more into this channel. It’s a win-win.

What we do not offer

We do not believe in putting a logo on our website, or writing an article about your super cool AI driven product. Why? Because experience tells us that nobody cares. Sorry to say so. We also do not work with companies whose values are not aligned with ours.

What we do offer

In short: We tell an interesting story.

Bit longer: We believe that telling a story (either via the podcast or only via a written article) is the most powerful way to bring across a message. It’s even more powerful if we talk to one or more of your customers instead of your CEO/CTO/… If they can explain why they needed to solve a problem and how they did it: that’s gold :)

We have small partnership packages with just one podcast/article or larger ones with multiple interviews spread over a year.


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