About The IT/OT Insider
This blog is for those who really want to digitalize & transform the Manufacturing & Process Industries. We talk about IT/OT Convergence and focus on People & Culture, not on the Buzzwords. To support the transformation we discover which Technologies (AI! Cloud! IIoT!) can enable this transition.
All of us have been working for more than 10 years in this field for global players. We come with a pragmatic view on the challenges you face without all the buzzwords and marketing hyperboles. Too often we see the messages focusing on technology alone, because that’s easier to sell or to believe. The end result? MVP’s or proof of concepts that fail or worse, live on but never scale, sapping your resources. On this blog, we dive deeper into what’s behind the problems we all face and bridge the gap between IT and OT.
David Ariens
Starting as a Data Scientist, I rolled into the world of Industrial Digitalisation back in 2010. I got quickly passionate about how to involve the human factor into digital projects. I was the industrial digitalization director at BASF until 2022. Today I’m leading Analytics For Industry.
My areas of expertise include data platforms, MES/MOM and last but not least: IT-OT convergence.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidariens/
Email: david@itotinsider.com
More about David Ariens
Willem van Lammeren
Chemical engineer with a passion for IT, I've immersed myself in industrial digitalization. From OT in logistics, labs, and production to IT infrastructure, ERP, and middleware. Yet, it's the human factor that has truly captivated me—exploring new and improved ways of working. Whenever possible, I seek opportunities to geek out in production. I too worked at BASF until 2022, today you can still find me in the chemical industry at Solvay.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willemvanlammeren/
Email: willem@itotinsider.com
More about Willem Van Lammeren
Bram Van Genabet
I’m a digital transformation evangelist with a passion for technology, economics, and sustainability. With 14 years of experience in digital manufacturing, I have led projects focused on process optimization, automation, advanced process control, and sustainable hydrogen in the petrochemical, energy, and food & beverage industries.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bram-van-genabet-990b96a/
More about Bram Van Genabet
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